What are cold sores?
About 40% of adults in North America get cold sores. Also known as fever blisters, cold sores are oral lesions caused by the herpes simplex virus. They are painful, fluid-filled blisters that show up on the lips and around the mouth.
Cold Sore Laser Therapy?
It’s an effective way to treat cold sores that cause pain, make you feel self-conscious or just take too long to heal. If we catch the lesion in time with laser treatment, we can prevent the cold sore from breaking out. As soon as you feel that tingling sensation that warns you of an on-coming sore, call us to schedule an appointment. If you already have a full blown sore, the laser will take away the discomfort and help it to dry up and heal much faster.
The Benefits Of Soft Tissue Laser Treatment
Laser therapy is especially effective if you can treat the cold sore early. Treating the area as soon as you notice signs such as tingling, burning, itching or a painful feeling around your lips can even prevent the breakout. If you already have a cold sore, laser treatment can speed healing and greatly reduce the pain and discomfort. Repeated laser therapy can even prevent cold sores from returning in the same area.
Common benefits of using a laser to treat cold sores:
Laser therapy stops the progression of the cold sore.
Heals faster without further discomfort.
Pain relief is immediate.
Can prevent a breakout if treated once the lips begin to tingle or itch.
Laser energy destroys the virus that causes cold sores.
Laser treatment is quick and can be performed without anesthesia.
Cold sores reoccur with less intensity and frequency at the same location after laser treatment.
Soft tissue laser therapy is affordable and may be covered by your insurance.